Why insurance?

Because owning a pet isn’t cheap!! It takes a huge financial commitment.

Puppies, kittens, dogs and cats need food, cat litter, vaccines, toys, crates and carriers, leashes, collars, spaying/neutering, treats, deworming, heartworm prevention, brushes, combs, toothpaste, etc… and sometimes they get sick!! We have to be prepared for the unexpected. This is where pet health insurance comes in. So that if something happens, we don’t have to worry about if we can afford to treat our pets. We know that our pet will obtain the best treatments available to them, from specialists to orthopedic surgeons, to rehabilitation, to major cancer treatments, MRI’s, cat scans and more.

So? How do we pick insurance?

There are many choices available.

Some only do emergency treatments, others offer full preventative and medical treatments. Some have only a deductible and others have a percentage. Some have fees that will increase with the amount of claims, while others will discontinue covering certain medical conditions after your pet has already had a claim for it. Some offer an amount you can spend over the life of your pet. This is where you need to decide what is the right type for you?

The younger you register your pet, the less expensive it is. However, older pets should still be registered. As well, many insurance companies offer a free trial.

We have composed a list here of different companies that offer pet insurance here in Canada. Please take some time to review all of your options to see if insurance is right for you and your pets. Please note, there may be other pet insurance companies that we may not be aware of.






We sincerely hope that your pet will live a long and happy life with no complications but it’s always best to be prepared. Even our staff and vets here at Snelgrove Veterinary Services have pet insurance for our pets because we want to be able to provide our pets with the best medical care available.

Once again, thanks for reading our blog. We are here to help you make informed choices on owning and enjoying your pets. Have a happy day!